What is FIU LIV-E?
FIU LIV-E stands for FIU Live Events, Engagement, and Entertainment. 
Goal: Design an application or website for my Human Computer Interaction class where the students of FIU can have access to event information, while being able to locate where they are in the school, and attend the event.
Problem Statement: At Florida International University, students are interested in extracurricular activities. The school’s website has a page for the events but it is not easily accessible or well known. We want to know why it’s not being visited by students, and what recommendations student’s, faculty, and staff have for it.


- Product Design, UX Research, User Researcher, Wire framing, Prototyping, User Testing
Tools: Figma, Photoshop
- Time Span: Sept '21 - Dec '21


Screenshot of the product I designed..
Please continue to scroll to see a more in depth explanation of the process.​
Gannt Map
Gannt Map
Brain Storming
Brain Storming
Pain Points
Pain Points
Competitive Audit
Competitive Audit
User Stories
User Stories
I then created basic wireframes from the information architecture map above.
Handful of Wireframes
Handful of Wireframes
I then created the high fidelity prototypes

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